Finding Leeson House, Langton Matravers

and Worth Hill Observatory, Worth Matravers.

Purbeck Area Map

Finding Leeson House from the Wareham direction.

From Wareham, take either the road through the town and on through Stoborough to join the bypass, or else just join the bypass at Wareham, to get to Corfe Castle. On the way to Corfe Castle ignore all junctions and roundabout exits that are signposted to either Wytch Farm or Norden.

At Corfe Castle, go through the village. At the end of the houses the road veers left. Ignore the signposted right turn for Langton Matravers, Kingston and Worth Matravers. Follow the road through to Harman's Cross, and then on almost to Herston.

Nearly 2 km after Harman's Cross, and about 1 km before Herston, a road joins from the right, at a very sharp angle. This side road is signposted to Langton Matravers and Worth Matravers. Take this road. Leeson House is then on the left hand side of the road, and is less than 100 metres from the junction.

Finding Leeson House from the Swanage direction.

If coming from Poole or Bournemouth, via the ferry, then first proceed through Studland and then Ulwell, and into Swanage. Note that the last ferry back is at 10 pm; otherwise you will need to return via Corfe Castle and Wareham.

From Swanage, head out of town on the road signposted to Corfe Castle and Wareham. Go through Herston, which is on the edge of Swanage. When there is a large open area on your right, the road curves to the right, and the houses on the left are up a slight bank, and set back quite a long way from the road, then start to look for a left turning signposted to Langton Matravers, and Worth Matravers. Take this left turning, and Leeson House is then on the left about 100 metres after the junction.

Finding Worth Hill Observatory from the Wareham direction.

From Wareham, take either the road through the town and on through Stoborough to join the bypass, or else just join the bypass at Wareham, to get to Corfe Castle. On the way to Corfe Castle ignore all junctions and roundabout exits that are signposted to either Wytch Farm or Norden.

At Corfe Castle, go through the village. At the end of the houses the road veers left, and there is a signposted right turn for Langton Matravers, Kingston and Worth Matravers. Take the right turn here and then follow this side road up a hill, down a dip, and then up a very steep hill with a long Z bend.

At the top of the hill, at Kingston and the Scott Arms, there is a T junction. Turn left here, to head along the top of the hill.

There is now a choice of route. Either:

Follow the road for about 2 km and then take a right turn signposted to Worth Matravers, or ignore this turning, and follow the road for about another 1 km, and then take that right turn to Worth Matravers.

If you took the first turning, then follow the road past Compact Farm, and into the village of Worth Matravers. You will arrive at a sharp T junction, with the Square and Compass pub on your left. Turn left here, and head through, and back out of the village. About 100 metres after the last house, look for a driveway on the right, signposted as Seacombe House, and Worth Hill Observatory. Park where the signs indicate, then walk down the driveway for entrance to the Observatory site.

If you took the second turning, then follow the road for about 1 km. Look for a small reflective sign, on the grass verge, that has 'Worth Matravers' on it. When this is about 50 metres ahead of you, you are just passing the entrance to the Observatory site. Look for a driveway, on the left, signposted as Seacombe House, and Worth Hill Observatory. Park where the signs indicate, then walk down the driveway for entrance to the Observatory site.

Finding Leeson House from Worth Hill Observatory.

When leaving the Observatory site, turn right, and head back to the road that runs along the top of the ridge. Turn right at this junction, and then head through the very long village of Langton Matravers, which is mainly a downhill run. When the junction to rejoin the main road running from Corfe Castle to Swanage is in sight, then proceed carefully, as Leeson House is on the right hand side, about 100 metres before that junction.

Finding Worth Hill Observatory from Leeson House.

When leaving Leeson House, turn left and proceed up the hill, through the village of Langton Matravers. This is a very long village. After leaving the houses of Langton Matravers behind, look for a small road on the left signposted to Acton. Ignore that turning, then just a few metres after that, take the next left turning, signposted to Worth Matravers, and follow the road for about 1 km. Look for a small reflective sign, on the grass verge, that has 'Worth Matravers' on it. When this is about 50 metres ahead of you, you are just passing the entrance to the Observatory site. Look for a driveway, on the left, signposted as Seacombe House, and Worth Hill Observatory. Park where the signs indicate, then walk down the driveway for entrance to the Observatory site.

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